당신의 결심이 작심삼일로 끝나지 않으려면 | 김미경 강사, '김미경의 딥마인드' 저자 | 추천 강연 강의 듣기 | 세바시 1934회

당신의 결심이 작심삼일로 끝나지 않으려면 | 김미경 강사, '김미경의 딥마인드' 저자 | 추천 강연 강의 듣기 | 세바시 1934회

✻ 강연 소개 : 지난 몇 년간 사업하면서 비교와 경쟁으로 열심히 살면 다 되는 줄 알고 살았습니다. 그랬더니 열심히 막 살았더라고요. 죽을힘을...


Youtube > 세바시 강연 Sebasi Talk

2 weeks ago

*This content was written based on sophisticated analysis of the entire script by Pentory AI.

From In-Mind to Deep-Mind: Shifting the Internal Engine for Sustainable Success


This content argues that transitioning from an "In-Mind" approach to life—driven by blind ambition and competition—to a "Deep-Mind" approach—grounded in self-reflection and self-love—is crucial for achieving sustainable success. The speaker vividly illustrates the negative consequences and emptiness resulting from the extreme efforts of the In-Mind approach, drawing on personal business experiences, and contrasts this with the positive transformations achieved through the Deep-Mind approach. Beyond a simple self-help lecture, it offers profound insights into finding personal identity and happiness within today's hyper-competitive environment.

Key Points

  • In-Mind vs. Deep-Mind: In-Mind represents a mindset based on blind effort and competition to surpass others, while Deep-Mind involves listening to one's inner voice through self-reflection and self-love.
  • Negative Consequences of In-Mind: The In-Mind approach leads to severe side effects such as excessive stress, emptiness, self-deprecation, and identity confusion. This stems not from a lack of effort, but from misguided motivation and direction.
  • Transformation through Deep-Mind: Deep-Mind enables the setting of genuine goals through self-reflection and fosters sustainable effort based on self-love. The focus shifts from mere goal attainment to pursuing a happy and meaningful life.
  • Implementation Strategies: Continuously questioning one's true goals and listening to one's inner voice through daily self-reflection are key strategies for transitioning to Deep-Mind. This can be achieved through various methods such as journaling and meditation.


This content presents a sharp critique of modern self-improvement trends and offers an alternative perspective through the speaker's personal experiences. The speaker experienced extreme stress and emptiness despite rapidly growing their company during the accelerated digital transformation following the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. This went beyond simple business success or failure; it was a negative outcome of the In-Mind approach to life—the relentless pursuit of "harder, faster." (In-Mind: A mindset characterized by self-exploitation through immersion in external standards and competition.)

Through this experience, the speaker recognized the flaws of the In-Mind approach and shifted to a Deep-Mind approach based on self-reflection and self-love. (Deep-Mind: A mindset that prioritizes listening to one's inner voice and valuing oneself.) This involves not simply working hard, but constantly questioning why one should work hard and whether the goal is genuinely their own.

The speaker uses common New Year's resolutions like dieting, language learning, and investment as examples, highlighting how these often fail due to externally imposed standards or comparisons with others. Envy or fear stemming from a friend's success might lead to setting new goals, but this is driven by external pressure rather than genuine self-motivation, ultimately proving unsustainable.

As a concrete method for transitioning to the Deep-Mind approach, the speaker suggests writing a self-persuasive journal entry each morning. This is not simply listing plans but a process of continuously questioning why one should pursue their goals, what meaning they hold, and encouraging oneself. Through this self-reflection, one can cultivate their internal engine (abilities), discover genuine motivation, and achieve sustainable growth. The speaker describes transforming their life by writing ten journals over a year, expressing this growth as an upgrade from a 50cc engine to a 1000cc engine.

Finally, referencing their mother's journal, the speaker conveys the message: "Erase yesterday's entries and rewrite them every morning. The rewritten version is you. Know who you are and live accordingly." This emphasizes the importance of daily self-redefinition and finding one's true self through self-reflection.


This content transcends a simple self-improvement lecture, offering profound insights into finding personal identity and happiness within today's hyper-competitive society. This has significant implications for corporate management. It emphasizes the importance of leadership that considers employees' internal growth and well-being, not just performance metrics, and highlights the importance of self-reflection and goal-setting for sustainable growth.

Practical applications include:

  • Securing Self-Reflection Time: Allocate time each morning or evening for self-reflection, using journaling, meditation, or other activities to reaffirm personal goals and values.
  • Re-examining Goal Setting: Continuously question whether current goals are genuinely one's own or driven by external pressure, focusing on discovering authentic self-motivation.
  • Strengthening the Deep-Mind Engine: Identify strengths and weaknesses, improve abilities through self-development, and secure inner peace through self-love and acceptance.
  • Emphasizing Work-Life Balance: Avoid overwork, maintain a balance between personal life and work, and ensure regular rest and rejuvenation.

This content presents not just a success strategy, but a life approach for sustainable happiness and growth. It delivers a crucial message for individuals and organizations alike, contributing to finding solutions for the problems of excessive competition and burnout prevalent in modern society.

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